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Plan a Design Sprint
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Plan a Design


Plan a Design Sprint

User Research

You'll need to conduct user research, schedule conversations with experts, find the right room, get materials, set ground rules, break the ice with your team, and plan post-press actions

First up: user research. If you are lucky enough to have a dedicated researcher on your team, he can take this step. If not, you might take it on yourself.

User research is always the first step in any sprint planning process. Your research should focus on the user problems you are trying to solve during the sprint. You do not have to work out a specific problem in detail right away. But getting a rough idea of what your sprint will focus on will help you decide which research methods make the most sense.

Call the experts

Next, it's time to bring in the experts. When you are planning the sprint, it's up to you to schedule short conversations with colleagues or industry experts. You listen to these information-rich conversations during the understanding phase of the sprint. A good conversation will help clarify the problem your sprint is trying to solve. Remember, the more experts you bring in, the more deadlines you have to accommodate. Start planning early; we promise it will be worth it.

Find the right space

Find the right space. Sounds a little obvious. But trust me, booking the right room can make all the difference. It's important to make sure the space offers all employees the same opportunities to get their work done. Let us talk about a few things to look out for. Whiteboards to capture your ideas or hang sticky notes, acoustics so participants can hear each other well, accommodations for everyone who needs them, and comfortable furniture where you can move around easily. You'll be spending a lot of time in this room, so make it comfortable. Once you have found the right room,

Gather supplies

It's time to gather materials. When you are planning the Design Sprint, it's your job to make sure everyone has what they need to participate, much like a teacher handing out classroom materials. Essential supplies include markers, sticky notes, and plenty of snacks and water.

Establish rules

Set the rules for the sprint. If you want the sprint to be a device-free, distraction-free zone, now is the time to say so. By setting the ground rules up front, you'll set the tone for the sprint, ensure everyone is on the same page, and help your team stay focused. You have done the research, brought in the experts, found the right space, gotten the materials, and set the rules for the sprint.

Plan introductions

Plan introductions. This can be pretty important because sprints involve cross-functional teams that may have never met before. We all know icebreakers can be a little cheesy, but they are still a great way to help your team get comfortable with each other. Plus, choosing icebreakers that are relevant to your sprint can motivate your team and get them in the right frame of mind. Here is an idea for an icebreaker. Ask everyone to talk about a time they called customer service to complain. This puts the team in the shoes of a user, exactly the position they should be in when solving UX design challenges.

Post-Sprint planning

Post-Sprint Planning. This means thinking about what will happen after the sprint.g. How your team might use what they have learned to accomplish other goals. To do this, you need documentation. Make sure you recruit a few people to help document the design sprint by taking photos, collecting sticky notes, and jotting down ideas.

  • #user
  • #research
  • #stakeholders
  • #rightspace
  • #supplies
  • #rules
  • #introductions
  • #postsprint

Table of contents
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Plan a Design Sprint •

7/13 topics available

Competitive Audits

  • Introduction to competitive audits


  • Limits to competitive audits


  • Steps to conduct competitive audits


  • Present a competitive audit


Design Ideation

  • Understand design ideation


  • Business needs during ideation


  • Use insights from competitive audits to ideate


  • Use "How might we" to ideate


  • Use Crazy Eights to ideate


  • Use journey map to ideate


Goal statements

  • Build a Goal statement


User flows

  • Introduction to user flows


  • Storyboarding user flows


  • Types of storyboards



  • Introduction to wireframes


  • Paper wireframes


  • Transition from paper to digital wireframes


  • Information architecture


Ethical and Inclusive Design

  • Identify Deceptive Patterns


  • Role as a UX designer


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